
thank you! I was suspicious - that's why I didn't comment on it - it seemed too good to be true!

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For the record, that memo is a clever fake, a creation of the brilliant Cris Shapan. Search under his name or "Fuxley" to see more of his work.

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That memo to Harburg w Arlen CCd is unreal...How'd you get that?! Also, curious to know what "Songs of Winter" will entail.

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Not to be a nudnik, but in the subheader, shouldn't it be averse instead of adverse?

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I have the CD of the ‘95 staging of “Wizard.” Glad to see you lift it up in your blog. I’m a huge fan of Susannah McCorkle’s rendering of “If I Only Had a Heart.” Leave it to Michael to perform all of Harburg’s lyrics. I just adore Yip.

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Jan 17·edited Jan 17

A verse, a verse, my kingdom for a verse!

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Just when I thought I knew practically everything about this movie, you come along and present this stuff...

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